The sociological-legal dimension in Economics and Society (Max Weber), on the centenary of its publication


  • María José Fariñas Dulce Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Keywords: Law, social action, rationality/irrationality, formality/materiality, legal dogmatics, sociology of law, sociological-legal methodology, Western World, modernity.


The aim of this article is to show how Weber's Rechtssoziologie does not exhaust the sociological-legal dimension of Max Weber's work and legal thought. The legal, the legitimate legal order that subjectively orients human conduct, is a common thread throughout Weber's work, especially in his comprehensive sociology and in one of its central themes: the peculiar process of rationalisation in the modern Western world.


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How to Cite
Fariñas Dulce, M. J. (2023). The sociological-legal dimension in Economics and Society (Max Weber), on the centenary of its publication. Historical Sociology, 12(1), 44–60.