Technique’s experience: nihilism and total mobilization in Ernst Jünger


  • David Soto Carrasco
Keywords: tecnique, nihilism, total mobilization, conservative revolution


The article analyses the conception of technique and the critique of Modernity in Ernst Jünger at the crucial moments of the First World War and the Weimar Republic, as paradigmatic manifestations of the historical consummation of nihilism and the decline of the bourgeois world. For Jünger, the experience of the Great War represents the triumph of the technique, which not only would have had a decisive warlike role, but also supposes a total mobilization of society and the formation of a new order. In this sense, the technique is imposed as the metaphysical foundation of an era that is revealed in the figure of the worker, which allows the overcoming of nihilism, through the subsumption of labour in violence. Finally, it is analysed Jünger’s reflections on the partiality and non- currently of Weimar and his proposal of total, nationalist and imperial mobilization.


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08-04-2022 — Updated on 22-06-2022
How to Cite
Soto Carrasco, D. (2022). Technique’s experience: nihilism and total mobilization in Ernst Jünger. Historical Sociology, 11(2), 500–523. (Original work published April 8, 2022)
A cien años de la República de Weimar: enseñanzas de la Historia