Fortalezas y límites de la economía china en su inserción en el orden internacional


  • Juan Vázquez Rojo Universidad Camilo José Cela y Corporación Universitaria de Asturias
Keywords: Economía Política China; Guerra Tecnológica; Auge de China; Nuevo Orden Mundial


With the birth of the People's Republic of China and its progressive insertion into commercial and financial globalization since the 1980s, the Asian country has become the world's most important economic power alongside the United States. However, the limits of China's growth model and the containment strategy of the United States have led Beijing to face the need to transform the country's economy. The government's objectives are to promote growth that is more dependent on domestic consumption, place the country at the top of global value chains and increase technological autonomy, while acquiring a more proactive role in the world economy. The aim of this paper is to analyze the limits and possibilities of the Asian country to achieve these objectives. To this end, an analysis will be made of the evolution of the Chinese economy in recent decades, through the interpretation of the main macroeconomic indicators, evaluating their impact on domestic and foreign economic policy.


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How to Cite
Vázquez Rojo, J. (2022). Fortalezas y límites de la economía china en su inserción en el orden internacional. Historical Sociology, 11(2), 107–132.