The Empire after the Empire: Colonial Borders, Identity Belonging and the Cosntruction of China


  • Chiara Olivieri University of Toronto
  • Antonio Ortega Santos Universidad de Granada
Keywords: China, Construcción Estatal, Qing, Imperio


The aim of this article is to analyze Chinese State-construction program within thew last hundred years, with the definitive annexation of Central Asian peripheral territories to its frontiers; in doing this, we will use Norbert Elias’ “civilité” concept as our starting point, as the “expression and symbol of a social formation that encompasses the most diverse nationalities”.  Chinese territorial expansion, a consequence of the conquest by the People's Republic of China (PRC) in the mid-20th century of most of the territories already annexed by the Qing, has left the contemporary Chinese state with ethnic and political complexities. We will therefore reflect on whether sinicization was a real phenomenon, whether highlighting the non-Han ethnicity in history undermined the unity of the country, and on the legitimation of the Qing conquests in Central Asia and its narrativization as "unification" by the PRC. The issue will be analyzed from a decolonial perspective, focusing on the hegemonic and unequal relations that are established between China and the non-Sinic populations that live within its borders. We will pay special attention to the Uyghur case. 


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How to Cite
Olivieri, C., & Ortega Santos, A. (2022). The Empire after the Empire: Colonial Borders, Identity Belonging and the Cosntruction of China. Historical Sociology, 11(2), 183–210.