Civilization Places: The case of Public Toilets in Nanjing, China


  • Aran Romero Moreno Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
Keywords: civilization, toilet revolution, urban space, body


The article takes public toilets in the city of Nanjing, China, as a case study to analyze the concept of civilization from a spatial and praxeological perspective. Applying an anthropological view ―employing descriptions and ethnographic vignettes– the author links the local logics of civilization, particular to a historical and cultural Chinese context, with the (ideo)logics of global capitalism, revealing a struggle of positions and a set of contradictions that are a clear limit to the hegemonic notion of civilization and, maybe even, to global capitalism itself.


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How to Cite
Romero Moreno, A. (2022). Civilization Places: The case of Public Toilets in Nanjing, China. Historical Sociology, 11(2), 159–181.