Anti-gypsyism, racial knowledge and colonial amnesia


  • Giovanni Picker University of Glasgow
Keywords: racial segregation, antigypsyism, colonialism


This intervention brings together insights from race critical theories and historical sociology to provide a framework for understanding the longstanding racism against Romani people across Europe. It directly draws on Picker's 2017 monograph Racial Cities , and argues that in order to understand the racial segregation of Romani people in Europe, racial knowledge and colonial amnesia should be squarely placed at the core of analytical scrutiny and political intervention. The reason for this is that when looking at several cases of urban

authorities' actions on Romani people in 21st-century Europe, key similarities can be detected with colonial authories's actions on "natives" in the cities of European empires.


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Author Biography

Giovanni Picker, University of Glasgow

Giovanni Picker is Lecturer in Sociology at Glasgow University, UK. He is the

author of Racial Cities: Governance and the Segregation of Romani People in

Urban Europe [Routledge 2017] and co-editor of Racialized Labour in Romania:

Spaces of Marginality at the Periphery of Global Capitalism [Palgrave 2018]. His

work appeared in journals including, among others, International Journal of

Urban and Regional Research, Social Identities, CITY, International Sociology.

Identities and Journal of Contemporary Ethnography. Giovanni is also the

coordinator for Central and Eastern Europe and Russia of the Amsterdam-based,

independent Summer School on Black Europe: Interrogating Citizenship, Race

and Ethnic Relations.


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How to Cite
Picker, G. (2020). Anti-gypsyism, racial knowledge and colonial amnesia. Historical Sociology, (10), 228–236.