Socialization of Health and Urbanism in Elche at the End of the XIX Century


Keywords: public health, urbanism, epidemic of cholera, socialization of health, biopolitics


This article tries to analyze the municipal response produced by the cholera epidemic of 1884 regarding the urban and architectural deconstruction of the city according to the criteria of public health and higiene, in Elche, city of the western Mediterranean. This deconstruction is developed according to four categories: urban distribution as a new city;the extinction of the rural city, which translates into overcoming the urban-urban spaces dialectic;  the need for public works; the opening of public ventilation spaces and public / private hygiene awareness. Four categories that synthesize the contents of a municipal intervention that we place in the context of state bipolitics at the end of the nineteenth century in Europe.


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How to Cite
Gómez Martínez, M. R. (2020). Socialization of Health and Urbanism in Elche at the End of the XIX Century. Historical Sociology, (10), 323–349.
Sociología / Historia