How Marx helps us to understand contemporary populism


  • Anselm Jappe
Keywords: Limits of Capitalism; Critique of Capitalism; Guy Debord; Fake Anticapitalism; Populism

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Starting from the basis of a brief presentation of Marx’s categories and analysis, this article claims the current relevance of Marx’s thought as an analysis (and transformation) tool of contemporary capitalism. A capitalism that, despite its multiple transformations, still broadly follows the dynamics and the fabric pointed out by Marx. Also on the basis of the assertions of different later developments of (or inspired by) Marx’s theory (among others, Guy Debord’s), this article points out some of the prerequisites and key elements of the critique of the existing capitalism; moreover it also warns about the risks and limitations of a so-called “fake anticapitalism” advocated by different social movements that have taken root on both sides of the political spectrum.


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Intervención en el congreso Spectacle of Fascism, celebrado en Vancouver en abril de 2017 para conmemorar los 50 años de la publicación de La sociedad del espectáculo de G. Debord y de La revolución de la vida cotidiana de R. Vaneigem. Agradecemos al autor la autorización para incluirlo en este monográfico [Nota de los eds.].

How to Cite
Jappe, A. (2019). How Marx helps us to understand contemporary populism. Historical Sociology, (9), 137–146. Retrieved from