The construction of a research problem: Historical Sociology of religious diversity in Yucatan
This article conveys the construction and approach of a research problem that allows dialog to sociology, anthropology and history; so, I reflects on the links between a contemporary phenomenon, as the religious diversity and a discipline outside of it, the History. With the purpose of conducting an historical sociology. Therefore, a case is presented of Yucatan, delimiting the period and its nature of study. In this text,tries to reconcile two dissimilar contexts, the past in that only the Catholic Church had interference in the life of the mayas of Yucatan and the contemporary, in which, the Protestantisms have been integrated; so, I try to establish a bridge between the past and contemporary context through the concept of religiosity. This conceptual bridge is derived from the theory of Bourdieu.
Here I try to agree on that the presence of historical protestants, pentecostals and para-protestants has a historical reason, not limiting its interpretation only in the description of your arrival to yucatecan lands; but, also on particular socio-historical, political, and economic legacies which has created a mentality in society, by what, I propose to tackle the religious diversity from the history of mentalities. Of course, there is no attempt to exhaust the whole set of efficient causes of the phenomenon.
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