Spaces, Total War and Mass Society. Snapshots of Ernst Junger’s Early Works


  • Diego Roldán
Keywords: Bourgeoisie, Travel, Colonialism, War, Mass Society


Through the early work of Ernst Jünger, this article explores the value attributed to the youthful experience of flight to Africa. The relations between modernity and primitivism in a nomadic way of life and possible alternatives experiences in the colonial territories. Investigates the spacetime and subjective existential break of the Great War and think about the defensive and critic forms developed by the author against the borderline experience of total annihilation. Also, reflecting about the problems of demobilization in the interwar period, the transformations occurring in society and culture, and new models of production and reproduction of objectivity and uncertainty in an Era dominated by the mechanical and technical forms.


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How to Cite
Roldán, D. (2014). Spaces, Total War and Mass Society. Snapshots of Ernst Junger’s Early Works. Historical Sociology, (4), 109–137. Retrieved from