Portrait of Albert Jugon, " Gueule cassée" of the Great War


  • Sophie Delaporte
Keywords: “gueule cassée”, Disfigurement, World War I, social and surgical reconstruction


Our proposal is to follow the route of a “gueule cassée” of the Great War, Albert Jugon, emblem of the new violence against the bodies on the battlefield between 1914 and 1918. We are interested in the personality of Jugon before being injured, the impact itself, then address later -from the point of view of the patient- his face reconstruction but also his intimate and social reconstruction. In this sense, the impact of disfigurement is very important, especially from a psychological point of view, to the point of participating very actively –he was one of the founders- in the creation of the Organisation of “Gueule Cassées”, first association founded related to these wounds in 1921, immediately after the war.


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How to Cite
Delaporte, S. (2014). Portrait of Albert Jugon, " Gueule cassée" of the Great War. Historical Sociology, (4), 11–59. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/sh/article/view/215461