Cultural capital, career and political trajectory in the Restoration crisis


  • Jorge Costa Delgado
Keywords: Cultural capital, Professional career, Political trajectory, Intellectuals, Restoration


This article studies the connection between the cultural capital, the professional career and the political trajectory in four subjects of increasing public importance during the crisis of the “Restoration” in Spain. At the beginning of the 20th century, it is started a change in the “mode of generation” of the Spanish elites –and not a mere generational succession–. The selected variables allows the approach to some of the most significant features of this process of transformation, through a comparative analysis of José Ortega y Gasset, Ramiro de Maeztu, Manuel Azaña and Luis Araquistáin’s biographies.

In relation to the variables, it is set out that there is, one the one hand, a connection between the differences in cultural capital accumulation and the political trajectory. On the other hand, the study of the selected subjects’ professional career is important to establish their –real or imaginary– interlocutors and the readers they address in their cultural production and in their public performances; so certain characteristics of the professional occupation become also determinant factors in the accumulation of cultural capital and in the political trajectory. If both relations are part of a broader generational tendency, it is set out here only as a hypothesis. We will try to develop the characteristic features of this generational tendency through comparative biographies, leaving its general verification aside for a later study.


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How to Cite
Costa Delgado, J. (2013). Cultural capital, career and political trajectory in the Restoration crisis. Historical Sociology, (2), 153–180. Retrieved from
Monográfico. Sociología de la producción intelectual en España y Francia (1940-1990)

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