“Modos de generación” de las “generaciones sociales”


  • Gérard Mauger
Keywords: Field, Social Class, Founding Event, Social Generation, Mode of Reproduction


Dealing with the “mode of generation” of “social generations”, this article sets out, first of all, the problem of the extent of a generation, and it shows that the emergence of rising generations is linked to the transformation of the “mode of reproduction”. Below we propose to circumscribe the use of this concept to the frame of either a social class or a field. Finally, the article thinks about the sociogenesis of a generation by a “founding event” and it considers in that respect the “generation of ‘68”.


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How to Cite
Mauger, G. (2013). “Modos de generación” de las “generaciones sociales”. Historical Sociology, (2), 111–130. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/sh/article/view/188951
Monográfico. Sociología de la producción intelectual en España y Francia (1940-1990)