El difícil camino hacia la modernización


  • Juan Ignacio Castien Maestro
Keywords: clientelism, communalism, arab revolutions, modernization, fundamentalism


The recent Arab revolutions must be understood from a historical perspective. We will examine the complex and contradictory processes of modernization which these societies have undergone in the course of the last centuries. We will highlight the parcially exogenous nature of this modernization as well as the strengthening of some 'traditional' phenomena such as clientelism and communalism involved with it. The oligarchic nature of Arab societies and States has mainly been a consequence of all those imbalances. The recent revolutions against the current state of affairs have been possible thanks to the formation of broad social coalitions. Nevertheless, to what extent those coalitions will succeed in overcoming that clientelism and authoritarianism instead of its reproduction under renewed forms is something that remains to be seen.


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How to Cite
Castien Maestro, J. I. (2012). El difícil camino hacia la modernización. Historical Sociology, 1(1). Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/sh/article/view/165141
Monográfico. La Primavera Árabe: ¿El fin del "despotismo oriental"?