Origen, evolución y caída del régimen de Mubarak


  • Javier Barreda
Keywords: History of Egypt, Arab Revolutions, Political Change, Social Movements, Economic Liberalisation


This paper describes in political, sociological and economic terms the origin and evolution of Mubarak’s regime till its fall, including Mohamed Mursi’s election as president of Egypt. First, it places Mubarak’s period in power in its historical context, following Naser and Sadat’s regimes. Then it describes the interaction between the new regime’s economic and political proposals and the political and parapolitical responses on the part of Egyptian society. Finally it shows how the relative stability of the regime, lasting over twenty years and built on a combination of coercion and selective permissiveness, began to collapse, partly as a result of the effects of the economic liberalisation started in the 1990s on both the Egyptian population and Mubarak’s own regime. This coincided with the predictability of a replacement for the ageing leader and with the political emergence of a new generation that broke the psychological and ideological barriers, historically rooted, of their elders.


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How to Cite
Barreda, J. (2012). Origen, evolución y caída del régimen de Mubarak. Historical Sociology, 1(1). Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/sh/article/view/165131
Monográfico. La Primavera Árabe: ¿El fin del "despotismo oriental"?