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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The text complies with the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in the Guidelines for Authors, which can be found in About the journal.
  • If you are sending to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, you have to make sure that the instructions in Ensuring a blind review have been followed.

Author Guidelines

The SH magazine aims to achieve the highest possible quality in the works published, applying the usual evaluation procedures in scientific journals. It admits works in Spanish, English and French.


The journal accepts for publication:


Articles or original works that comply with a usual academic structure in scientific journals: summary, keywords, introduction, exposition of the fundamentals of the work and clear specification of the objectives; description of the sources, methodology; presentation of the results and discussion thereof; final conclusions and bibliography. Appendices may be added if necessary.


All the originals will be revised according to the "peer" system by at least two external evaluators to the publishing entity, whose suggestions will be sent to the authors so that, if necessary, they make the pertinent modifications. The evaluation method used is what is known as "double blind", maintaining the anonymity of both the author and the evaluators.


The Editorial Board will analyze all the contributions and, taking into account the external evaluations, will decide its approval or rejection, as well as the volume and number in which the accepted articles will be published.


The Management of the Journal may reject an article, without having to send it to external evaluators, if it considers that it does not adapt to the standards or does not adapt to the content profile of the publication. The author will be informed about the acceptance or rejection of their contribution within a maximum period of six months.


The Historical Sociology journal does not charge fees for sending works, nor fees for the publication of their articles.


Reviews: works destined to analyze editorial novelties that have a justified scientific and academic interest. Reviews can not exceed 3,000 words.


SH publication regulations


The following publication standards are an adaptation of the American Sociological Association's norms (ASA 2010)


  1. Format and extension


The works that are sent to the SH magazine should be sent by registering on the website of the magazine or through our email (rsh@um.es), in Microsoft Word format, with Times or Arial letter of 11 points to space and a half. The works will have a maximum length of 12,000 words.


It is essential that each work consist of a summary of a maximum of 200 words in both Spanish and English as well as a maximum of five keywords, also in Spanish and English.


The articles or original works will be sent without any reference to the identity of the author or authors within the text, accompanied by another file that contains a brief curricular note of approximately 100 words of the author or authors, with the title of the article, with names and surnames complete, emails, institutional affiliation and main lines of research and publications.


  1. Figures


No figure will occupy more than one page. They will be separated from the Arabic numbered correlative text. The figures must be represented with enough contrast. The size of the lines and the thickness of the lines will be adequate for a possible reduction, without loss of clarity to the size of the page of the magazine (17 x 24cm). The explanation of conventional signs will go to the bottom of the figure. The photographs or images must be clear. The format will be TIFF or JPEG and will adopt a minimum resolution of 300 dots per inch. In all cases, the source of the data from which the figure has been drawn up will appear at the bottom of the page.


  1. Statistical tables


They will be numbered independently in Arabic numerals, which will be the same that is placed in the margins of the text. Each painting will have a brief title and none will occupy more than one page. The tables, images, maps and graphic elements in general, should be delivered as they are obtained from the original program without importing them into Word, including references to their location and always making them in black and white or grayscale. As in the figures, the source of data from which the table has been drawn up must be included at the bottom of the page.


  1. Notes


They will be located at the bottom of the page, never at the end of the article, and will be numbered correlatively with Arabic numerals. The notes may not exceed a maximum of 60 words. Notes that only contain bibliographic citations will be avoided.


  1. Verbatim quotations


In separate paragraph, with indentation and font size 10.


  1. References


The Harvard citation model will be used.

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Los nombres y direcciones de correo-e introducidos en esta revista se usarán exclusivamente para los fines declarados por esta revista y no estarán disponibles para ningún otro propósito u otra persona.