Words for the Transitional Bubble: A Lexical Analysis of Two Economic Crises


  • María Ángeles Orts Llopis Universidad de Murcia
  • Camino Rea Rizzo Universidad de Murcia
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/ijes/2011/1/137111
Keywords: lexical analysis, dot-com bubble, credit crunch, crises, journalistic genre, digitized news


This study aims at the analysis of the lexicon in English of the two professional areas, telecommunications and finance, affected by the crises of the recent years: the 90s dot-com bubble and the present-day Credit Crunch. Both crises share a common context of wealth and cultural complexity, being the root for the coinage of innovative specialised terms and collocations. Our study is specifically aimed at unveiling the lexical coverage of both crises, in terms of technolects and their context, evolving in several phases. First, two corpora of specialised, semi-specialised and general texts from the domains’ digital periodicals will be characterized according to lexical relevance and terminological volume, to see the extent in which they are lexically connected or diverge when experiencing a critical situation like a crisis. Finally, clarifying how far these two disciplines have related during the last critical years will hopefully provide some clues for the lexical ethnography of two institutionalised ways of thinking.


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Author Biographies

María Ángeles Orts Llopis, Universidad de Murcia

started developing her professional activity very early as a translator in the fields of Law and Economics, working for several national and international institutions. An English Philologist and a translator, she has taught and coordinated numerous Master Courses in Legal, Business and Financial English for the School of Business at Murcia University, at the University of Murcia itself, and at the Chamber of Commerce, among others. Her research interests have always been focused on the area of Languages Applied to Professional Purposes, especially in the field of the discourse of business and law. As a specialist in these fields, she has been a Visiting Scholar at the Brooklyn Law School, Brooklyn, NY, and at the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago, publishing numerous books and articles in these areas. At the moment, she teaches Legal, Economic and Scientific Translation at the Faculty of Humanities, and is the Associate Chair at the Translation and Interpreting Department. Her most recent research and publications mainly involve contrastive legal discourse in the area of mercantile law, and genres in the Common Law and Continental traditions, as well as the economic discourse of the Global Systemic crisis and its traductological consequences.

Camino Rea Rizzo, Universidad de Murcia

has been an Adjunct Professor in the Department of English Studies at the University of Murcia since 2007 and a full-time teacher in the Language Centre at the Technical University of Cartagena since 1999. She received her PhD from the University of Murcia in 2008. Her main research area is centred on corpus-driven description of specialized sublanguages, with a special interest in vocabulary teaching and learning in the field of Telecommunication Engineering English.
How to Cite
Orts Llopis, M. Ángeles, & Rea Rizzo, C. (2011). Words for the Transitional Bubble: A Lexical Analysis of Two Economic Crises. International Journal of English Studies, 11(1), 75–93. https://doi.org/10.6018/ijes/2011/1/137111