The Language of Seafaring: Standardized Conventions and Discursive Features in Speech Communications


  • Ana Bocanegra Valle Universidad de Cádiz
Keywords: marine communications, maritime English, oral discourse, specialized discourse, move-step model, discursive features, standard marine communication phrases


This paper portrays how English language is constructed and displayed by shipboard crews and shore-based personnel when communicating through radiotelephony. Based on internationally-recognized recommendations for implementation when ships communicate with each other or with shore-based stations as well as on examples of current practice contained in marine communication manuals, this paper explores the message patterns, the standardized conventions, and the general and discursive practices governing speech communications at sea. Firstly, marine communications are defined and the role of Maritime English in the shipping industry for ensuring a safe and efficient passage discussed. Then, the standardized language of the sea is explained. Next, a move-step model to the analysis of the stages making up communicative exchanges at sea is applied and the main general and discursive features that prevail in such exchanges described. Finally, two examples help to illustrate the model and features presented and discussed.


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Author Biography

Ana Bocanegra Valle, Universidad de Cádiz

holds a Ph.D. in English Philology and is a Senior Lecturer at the Universidad de Cádiz. She has wide experience of teaching EFL/ESP to undergraduate and postgraduate students and has published several papers on various aspects of EFL/ESP learning and teaching. Her main research interests include English language acquisition/learning, methodology and teaching techniques, communicative and language learning strategies, terminology and discourse analysis as they relate to EFL/ESP development, and Maritime English as a particular branch of ESP. She is co-editor of English for Specific Purposes: Studies for Classroom Development and Implementation (2007) and is at present editor of Ibérica, the journal of the European Association of Languages for Specific Purposes (AELFE).
How to Cite
Bocanegra Valle, A. (2011). The Language of Seafaring: Standardized Conventions and Discursive Features in Speech Communications. International Journal of English Studies, 11(1), 35–53.