Asociacionismo y Redes de Mujeres ¿Espacios puente para el cambio?


  • Teresa del Valle


associationism, new socializations, feminist anthropology, bridge spaces


The article considers certain analytical guidelines proper of the feminist critique to see how women's networks and women's associations are effective in the pro­cess of change as they contribute to their social visibility beyond the domestic domain. For the purpose of the analysis of the value of women's association withín civil society three dimensions are considerad: the first one centers in the characteristics of the socialization processes and its relation to the adquisition of power; the second one examines the cha­racteristics implied in the exercise of power under the concept of "new socializations" and the third one exa­mines the relationship between asso­ciationism and new socializations.



Dossier: Mujeres y Asociacionismo