Mujeres e inmigración


  • María del Carmen Hurtado
  • Aurora Galán


Mujer, Género, Inmigración, Inser­ción laboral


Stages, evolution and migratory strategies of women, which reveal who takes the decision of migrating, and show the different types and subtypes of emigration, analysing, in each case, Dominican, Philippine and Magrebi women.

Analysis of the labour insertion of immigrant women in Spain depending on their origin, essentially studying women coming from Dominican Republic, The Philippines and Magreb. Domestic labours become the main labour destinies for these women. Different professional trajec­tories can be singled out according to the status the woman used to hold in her country of origin and the one she manages to hold in the country of destiny. The formal and informal nets which constitute the key to their labour insertion.

Finally, they have been also inclu­ded the most recent statistical data related to the Spaniards attitude towards the immigrants.



Dossier: Mujeres y Asociacionismo