La rebelión feminista como parte de la Historia


  • Rafaela Vos Obeso


'The femimsm as rebellon of the history" has as purpose to vindicate the presence of fem1nism, which, throughout struggles such as suffrage, put on the stage deep dis­ parities towards female sex in the his­tory.

In this historical development, principies of the French Revolution like freedom, equality and fratermty, enlightened that those basic values in which Human Rights were built, did not include women's rights.

Colombia is not exempt from this historical process, revealing the deep contradictions of society so reluctant to changas.

Despite being based on the XVIII century thinker women's contribu­tions, this current article reveals the European female suffragists and the influences their fights made on those Colombian women whom achieve sorne conquests tor the 20th decade of the 20th century.




