Maternidad versus Paternidad
Maternity, Paternity, Nature, Culture, Patriarchal Order, PowerAbstract
Materniy y paternity are not equal concepts, as we could think, not even equivalent. On the contrary Comparing them, the first one is inferior and the second superior. The distance between them is the key of the patriachal order, to which all societies are submitted from the North to South and from East to West of the planet.
Paternity, once it noticed the real importance of maternity, rose against it in order to dominate, control and reduce it to the state of pure nature -as if this could be possible in the human beings!- and with this pretext not allow that it spread in social, cultural, economic and politic areas. Paternity on the other hand spread widely, following a patriarchal order, it could not have been in a different way, bearing in mind the strength with which it had taken the power.