La construcción de un personaje catártico: “la vampira del Raval”. Una cortina oscura para cubrir una realidad transhistórica


  • Elsa Plaza Müller


scandalous kidnapping, human beast, scapegoa, childrens working, exploitation, tabloids


The kidnapping of children for different purposes is a well known fact throughout history. I try to unveil what lies behind an accusation addressed only to one person who is transformed into a human beast to pay for all misdeeds and crimes. This sort of scapegoat has to be interpreted as tactical politics to disguise the responsibility of many others. In order to know the real process that went on in Barcelona in 1912 -around the scandalous kidnapping of a child girl- I had to confront in depth the ideas, interests, values and attitudes of the period.



Dossier: 20 años de Estudios Feministas y Género en el SIMS