Simone de Beauvoir: los cuadernos de juventud


  • Gloria Comesaña Santalices


Notebooks of Youth, Simone de Beauvoir, liberty, lucidity, existentialism


In this article, we analyze the work of Simone de Beauvoir Cahiers de Jeunesse (1926- 1930) making a meticulous reading that allows us to bring into relief a series of thematic axes that form the spine of this text. Through this, we see the emergence of the thinker and adult woman starting from the young Simone, who goes along recording in her Notebooks her projects, thoughts and feelings, the appreciation of her readings and above all, a very authentic, lucid interior dialog that lets us see clearly that it is precisely because she had already become Simone de Beauvoir before knowing Sartre, that this mutual recognition that united them could exist between them. These notebooks definitely throw a new light on the whole of de Beauvoir’s life and work.



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