Travestidos de etnicidad zapoteca: una etnografía de los muxes de juchitán como cuerpos poderosos


  • Juan Antonio Flores Martos


ethnography, transgender, zapotec of Tehuantepec Isthmus, ethnicity, cultural hibrydization


I want to explore the profile of some native and hybrid amerindios zapotecas transgender: the muxes of Juchitán -one Indian city of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico. These people have undergone processes of zapotequización identity in a context of cultural revival or ethnogenesis, while their an unseen become important in the practice of different mestizo performances and sociability in social clubs, and in transvestite shows. This allows the expression of generic and sexual identities in flux and changing, and the expression of theirs new realities as individuals and members of sociocultural context, in transformation and dialogue with national and global environment.



Dossier: Cuerpo y Género