La producción del cuerpo dimórfico: transexualidad e historia


  • Berenice Bento


transexuality, body, gender, medicalization


It would be correct to say that the transexual experience was present in other moments of Western history and other societies? The interpretation that there is two different bodies, radically opposed and that the explanations for the behaviors of genders is in bodies were truths that to establish and to become hegemonic has a fight against other interpretation on bodies: isomorphism. I suggest that the transexuality is related to the dimorphism. In this article I will defend the transexuality is a gender experience that began to develop in the 19th century and which established a classification system for individual behaviors based on "sex true ". To discuss this thesis I will do a short study of the life of Herculine Barbin.



Dossier: Cuerpo y Género