
Keywords: Resilience, Accessibility, Urban Mobility, Autonomy older people, UN Decade of Healthy Ageing

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Urban spaces must be adapted to aging citizens’ needs, according to the 2030 Agenda, and the Decade of Healthy Aging. The concept of resilience has been very useful to elucidate such adaptation, as it has been employed to analyse the territorial resilience, and to unveil how aging populations come through diverse physical and cognitive impairments. Nevertheless, few studies have focused on the interrelations between the territorial resilience and elderly persons resilience. This article contributes to such understanding, by resorting to desk research to measure the territorial resilience of the Metropolitan Area of Guadalajara, Mexico, and through 18 in-depth interviews with senior citizens to calibrate how they adapt to physical and territorial alterations. Our results showed varying degrees of resilience. On the one hand, middle-class districts characterised by single-family developments led to many difficulties for aging populations. Such citizens were no longer autonomous and depended on relatives to meet their daily needs. On the other hand, mixed-land use areas in lower-class neighbourhoods were characterised as more resilient, and they allowed certain elderly persons to find nearby places to carry out their quotidian activities.


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Author Biography

Fernando Calonge Reillo, Universidad de Guadalajara

Doctor en Sociología por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. En la actualidad es profesor investigador de la Universidad de Guadalajara, México, e integrante del Sistema Nacional de investigadores (CONACyT México) en su nivel I. Sus líneas de investigación son las dimensiones sociopolíticas de las infraestructuras de transporte.


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25-01-2023 — Updated on 25-01-2023
How to Cite
Barranco Martín, M. del C., & Calonge Reillo, F. (2023). ADULTOS MAYORES RESILIENTES EN TERRITORIOS RESILIENTES: ÁREA METROPOLITANA DE GUADALAJARA, MÉXICO. Geography Papers, (68), 115–132.