Four years after the catastrophe, are educational institutions in the Region of Murcia in Spain prepared for the next seismic disaster?


  • Sophie Mendizabal Dirección de Gestión de Riesgo - Municipalidad de Santa Fe
Keywords: index, earthquake, vulnerability, educational institution, Alhama de Murcia fault


A magnitude 6.0 or more earthquake is expected on the Alhama de Murcia fault, the most active in the area of Murcia, located in the south-eastern Spain. On May 11th 2011, within one hour and 42 minutes period, a magnitude 4.5 and a magnitude 5.1 earthquakes shake the towns of Lorca and Totana, killing nine people and injuring 330. However, four years after the catastrophe, these towns do not seem to be prepared to face a moderate earthquake. All elements are gathered to result in a disaster, i.e. a surface geomorphology conducive for site effects, constructions which do not comply the earthquake-resistant requirements and a lack of knowledge from the population about the seismic risk. This report proposes an analysis of the level of vulnerability of educational institutions against the seismic risk in Lorca and Totana based on creating a vulnerability index which considers social and structural risk factors. As well as a series of mitigation measures proposals to face the next major seismic disaster.


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How to Cite
Mendizabal, S. (2020). Four years after the catastrophe, are educational institutions in the Region of Murcia in Spain prepared for the next seismic disaster?. Geography Papers, (65), 155–174.