Acciones de lucha contra la desertificación en ambientes semiáridos en el noroeste de Tamaulipas, México


  • Elizabeth Del C. Andrade Limas
  • Martín Espinosa Ramírez
  • Asunción Romero Díaz
Keywords: Desertification, Restoration, Conservation, Burgos Basin


In the basin of Burgos, Tamaulipas (Mexico) actions to combat desertifi cation were done to help conserve soil and water. The work was conducted in two phases 2005-2007 and 2008-2009 in areas with erosion problems due to vegetation loss and deforestation caused by agriculture and industrial activities. The objective was to stabilize the ecosystem to conserve and manage natural resources, increase agricultural production, improve family status and raise the living standards of rural population. Areas and work plots were identifi ed and located. The following actions were performed and evaluated in order to obtain sustainability indicators: (1) 111.8 km of hedgerows, (2) 53.5 hectares with food plots, (3) 825 hectares with introduction of Forage, (4) 20 hectares of ponds and troughs, (5) 3,579 hectares of subsoiling (6) 10 hectares with silvopatoriles systems with Prosopis glandulosa, and grass, and (7) 5 training courses for farmers. All these actions undoubtedly have been very benefi cial, although more information is needed for farmers.


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How to Cite
Andrade Limas, E. D. C., Espinosa Ramírez, M., & Romero Díaz, A. (2009). Acciones de lucha contra la desertificación en ambientes semiáridos en el noroeste de Tamaulipas, México. Geography Papers, (49-50), 15. Retrieved from