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Changes in vegetation cover and land use can cause the fragmentation and destruction of ecosystems, resulting in a negative impact on biological diversity. It is likely that it occurred in recent decades in the Selva “El Ocote” Biosphere Reserve, in Chiapas, Mexico. Therefore, the objective of this research project was to determine the rate of change in vegetation and land use for the southern zone of the Selva El Ocote Biosphere Reserve (REBISO) and its adjacent area, for the period 1980-2022. First, a characterization of the types of vegetation and land use was carried out in two polygons (areas) located to the south of REBISO based on Landsat images. Subsequently, a supervised classification was carried out, and finally the rate of change in land use and vegetation was determined based on the rate of change formula described by the FAO. The results obtained show that in the polygon called "General Lázaro Cárdenas", in its section located within the REBISO, it consisted of seven types of vegetation cover and land use, of which were Acahual, Selva Median Subperennifolia, Human Settlements, Roads, Pastures, River and Agricultural Zone; while in its section outside REBISO, six types of cover and land uses were identified: Acahuales, Human Settlements, Roads, Pastures, Medium Subevergreen Forest and Agricultural Zones. On the other hand, for the polygon called "Riviera Piedra Parada", in its section located within REBISO, it was characterized by seven types of vegetation cover and land use, which were: Acahuales, Human Settlements, Roads, Pastures, Low Jungle Deciduous, Water Bodies and Agricultural Zones; while, in its section located outside REBISO, nine types of vegetation cover and land uses were identified: Acahuales, Human Settlements, Roads, Bodies of Water, Sinkhole, Pastures, Low Deciduous Forest and Agricultural Zones. The rate of change in the section located within the REBISO of the "General Lázaro Cárdenas" polygon was characterized by the increase of Acahual, Pastizal and Agricultural Zones, and by the decrease of Selva Mediana from 1984 to 2022. The section of this polygon located outside the REBISO, it was characterized by a decrease in Medium Forest, as well as an increase in Grasslands, Acahual, Roads, Human Settlements and Agricultural Zones in the same period. As for the section located within the REBISO of the "Riviera Piedra Parada" polygon, the rate of change was characterized by the decrease in Low Deciduous Forest and an increase in Acahual, Bodies of water and agricultural areas in the same period, while that the section of this polygon located outside the REBISO, was characterized by the decrease of Acahual, Selva Baja Caducifolia from 1984 to 2022. This information suggests the loss of original plant associations and the increase of anthropogenic land uses inside and outside the REVIEW. This information is important to be able to carry out the update of its Management Plan, and allow the creation of different mechanisms that help the sustainable use of its natural resources, contributing to the conservation of its flora and fauna, and the improvement of quality of life of the communities in the area.
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