
  • Noelia Belen Nieva
  • Maria Lujan Bustos Universidad Nacional del Sur
  • Federico Ferrelli
  • Maria Cintia Piccolo
Keywords: Coastal erosion, beach profiles, geomorphological changes, human impact, vehicle trafic, Pehuén Co (Argentina)

Supporting Agencies

  • Universdidad Nacional del Sur (UNS)
  • Iniciativa Pampa Azul


The problems of vehicular traffic on the beaches are increasingly severe since the influx of visitors during the high season increases coastal erosion. This study aimed to analyze the morphological changes occurring on the beach in two sectors of Area 2 within the Pehuén Co-Monte Hermoso Provincial Geological, Archaeological, and Paleontological Reserve (Buenos Aires, Argentina). To compare and assess the beach's behavior in response to the prohibition of vehicular traffic in one sector of Area 2, beach profiles were conducted seasonally during the periods of 2008-2009 (prior to closure) and 2022-2023. Additionally, the geomorphology, slope, volumes of the beach profiles, as well as the spatiotemporal movement of the frontal dune, were studied. The results showed that the average slope increased by 0.4° in profile inclination. It was also observed in the closed sector (where traffic was restricted) an expansion of the frontal dune area from 24 hectares to 29 hectares and a more significant accumulation of sediments (295.4 cubic meters) on the beach over the last 14 years.


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How to Cite
Nieva, N. B., Bustos, M. L., Ferrelli, F., & Piccolo, M. C. (2024). PRELIMINARY STUDY OF THE EFFECTS OF VEHICLE TRAFFIC RESTRICTION ON PEHUÉN CO BEACH (ARGENTINA). Geography Papers, (69).