
  • Flavia Echánove Huacuja Instituto de Geografía, Departamento de Geografía Económica, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Keywords: maize, guarantee prices, agricultural policy, Yucatan peninsula, Mexico

Supporting Agencies

  • Dirección General de Asuntos del Personal Académico (DGAPA), Programa de Apoyos para la Superación del Personal Académico (PASPA) de la UNAM.



For decades, Mexico's segmented agricultural policy has supported small maize producers mainly with poverty assistance subsidies, while medium and large producers have concentrated subsidies for productive development. The current president (Andrés Manuel López Obrador) implemented the novel guarantee (or minimum) price program for small and medium grain producers, the central objective of this article being the analysis of their characteristics and vulnerabilities of that program, as well as their operation and effect on small maize producers in the Yucatan peninsula. In this region, the causes of the decline in maize cultivation are analysed, among which the productive reconversion process promoted by the government stands out, to replace that grain with soybeans. Said process has implied land rent and its concentration, for which the "access theory" is used. Faced with the ineffectiveness of guarantee prices for small maize producers, and the continuity of the segmented agricultural policy, it is reflected on the need for their reorientation under a holistic approach, in which small producers are considered not only for their productive potential, but also as guarantors of environmental sustainability.

Keywords: maize, guarantee prices; agricultural policy; Yucatan peninsula; Mexico.


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Author Biography

Flavia Echánove Huacuja, Instituto de Geografía, Departamento de Geografía Económica, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Profesora e Investigadora del Departamento de Geografía Económica, Instituto de Geografía, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


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17-10-2021 — Updated on 02-02-2022
How to Cite
Echánove Huacuja, F. (2022). LA NUEVA POLÍTICA AGRÍCOLA EN MÉXICO Y LOS PEQUEÑOS PRODUCTORES DE MAÍZ DE LA PENÍNSULA DE YUCATÁN (2019-2021). Geography Papers, (67), 66–79. (Original work published October 17, 2021)