Poblamiento y espacio regado en el sureste de la Huerta de Murcia. Efectos de la DANA de los días 12 y 13 de septiembre de 2019
City and Huerta of Murcia are settled on the Segura floodplain, in the Murcian Prelitoral Depression. From IX to XIX centuries, the small agro-city was constrained by the river and the Huerta. The regulation of Segura River and the change of economic model (more industries and services) eased population development, as well as the expansion of the city and districts at the expense of the Huerta.
The initial hypothesis is that most of the historical landscape, built in the river-city-garden connection, is today a peri-urban rural space of little economic value, but of high heritage value. Likewise, southeastern sector of Huerta de Murcia retains its socioeconomic value, by allowing the irrigating farmer to live off the cultivation of the land.
The 12-13 September 2019 ‘cold front’ shows the vulnerability of this space and people, due to the way of occupation of the population, the distribution of irrigation and drainage networks, the layout of large infrastructure and equipment location. Despite the Flood Defense Plan, the breaking of the river's hillocks (trenques) and the flooding of the plain by the rainwater of watersheds that converge at the local base. This flood situation forces a reorganization of the territory.
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- 24-01-2021 (2)
- 17-09-2020 (1)
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