Four soil profiles, one from Sierra de Ascoy and the other three from its outskirts and surrounding plains are studied. The soils are an aridic lithic haploxeroll (rendzina) developed on the limestones from Sierra de Ascoy, under a grassy-shrubby natural vegetation, a xeroUic paleorthid (calcic xerosol) on colluvial material with a petrocalcil horizon and natural vegetation (Stipa tenacissima being a main component), a xerollic calciorthid (calcic xerosol) also on colluvial materials, but being cultivated for grapes, and a xeric torriorthent (calcaric regosol) on marly sediments and under a very open, natural vegetation with sorne gypsophile species (Ononis tridentata). Analytical data are given for organic matter, nitrogen, equivalent calcium carbonate and gypsum content, as well the pH values and the granulometric composition.Downloads
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