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Latin America stood out for a high participation of the migratory component from its genesis, being the protagonist in the last decades the migration intrarregional, concentrating the destinations in a few countries of the region. Another aspect that stands out inside Latin America the differences are in the participation of the labor force – entire, male and woman – between the countries. This work of exploratory character proposes to describe the behavior of the valuations of activity of the migratory currents according to the countries of the region, by means of the consistency of the available information of the round of the censuses of the year 2010. After a statistical - descriptive analysis of the behavior of the valuations of activity of the migratory currents in them bought nationals, they are suggested as turned out a significant linear relation between the valuations of entire activity, male and woman, and the absence of interrelation with regard to the valuations of participation of the national labor markets, with the exception of scarce situations.
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