Perception of future primary teachers about flood risk. Geography as a tool to achieve a most resilient society to climate change
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The risk of flooding is the main natural hazard that affect the European Mediterranean region. This risk has been aggravated in recent decades by the increase in exposure of the human being. Therefore this theme should be a priority in primary classrooms and the training of teachers. The hypothesis of this research is that the future teachers of Primary school have the perception that the risk of flooding has worsened in recent years due to climate change. The objectives of this work are: 1) To know the experiences of floods of future teachers during their school education (Primary school); and 2) Analyze their perception of the influence of climate change in the assertion of flood risk. Methodologically, a mixed research (quantitative and qualitative) was carried out with the completion of a questionnaire to future teachers of Primary (Faculty of Education, University of Valencia). The results indicate that the perception of the respondents is that most of their schools were not located in flood zones and, with respect to climate change, in 50% of the cases they believe that it is affecting the rainfall regime.
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