City’s periphery, between urban segregation and extensive agriculture. Case Ituzaingó anexo, Córdoba, Argentina
Supporting Agencies
- Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)
The Ituzaingó Anexo neighborhood is located on the Córdoba’s city southeast periphery. Sixteen years ago, the struggle of a mother’s group made visible the environmental conflict that they still live through. This fact became evident when they identified diseases and deaths caused by the environmental effects of agrotoxics in the production of transgenic soybeans. In this work, we wonder how those who decide about the city are also responsible for the environmental damage produced in this sector of society, understanding the relationship of the neighborhood with the configuration of the city. In this way, we analyze the creation of Ituzaingó Anexo as a working class neighborhood in the industrial expansion of the city and later the beginning of the productive model of expansive agriculture. Emphasizing the incompa tibility of uses enabled by zoning in the planning of the city, and the effects of urban and environmental segregation.
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