Evaluation of the service ecosystem of water yield from an analysis of the landscape in the municipality of Valle de Bravo, Mexico


  • Vianney Lovera Pons Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana
  • Iván Ernesto Roldán Aragón
  • Jesús Sánchez Robles
  • Pablo Torres Lima
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/geografia/2018/322931
Keywords: Ecosystem services, Water performance, Land use change, Watersheds, InVEST

Supporting Agencies

  • Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana


The ecosystem service (ES) of water yield (WY) is vital for the generation of fresh water and is defined as the redistribution of precipitation as a function of vegetation. Changes in land use and vegetation (LU&V) have direct effects on this type of ES. T he case of the Municipality of Valle de Bravo is studied as a relevant region in terms of water and forestry for the State of Mexico. It is part of the Cutzamala system, which supplies drinking water to Mexico City. Because of its importance as a source of water and because of the anthropogenic pressures that forests have in this region, the ES WY was evaluated, based on a comparative analysis of LU&V for the years of 1994 and 2016, in order to identify the effects of the dynamics of change. The annual wate r yield model InVEST® was used, which uses different maps with the biophysical attributes for each coverage, defined for each pixel of the landscape. An ANOVA model was applied to determine the effect of the LU&V changes in the sub - basins and their interac tion with the ES WY. The results indicate that temperate forests still persist in the largest area of the municipality, however urban areas have doubled, causing an increase in the ES WY. These results can be useful in environmental planning and land use p lanning programs.


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Author Biography

Vianney Lovera Pons, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana

Pasante de Maestría en Ecología Aplicada. Departamento El Hombre y su Ambiente. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. Unidad Xochimilco.

Formación Académica:

  • Licenciatura en Biología en la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana - Unidad Xochimilco. 


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How to Cite
Lovera Pons, V., Roldán Aragón, I. E., Sánchez Robles, J., & Torres Lima, P. (2018). Evaluation of the service ecosystem of water yield from an analysis of the landscape in the municipality of Valle de Bravo, Mexico. Geography Papers, (64), 93–113. https://doi.org/10.6018/geografia/2018/322931