Accessibility and geographical connectivity in rural areas. Case of the commune Maria Pinto, Chile
In Latin America and especially in Chile, rural areas are spaces that still have developmental gaps around the accessibility and geographical connectivity of the territory. Geography can provide conceptual and methodological approaches to overcome spatial gaps. This article aims to determine and categorize the accessibility and geographical connectivity that the rural population has in relation to its urban center. We consider the case study as an approach to analyze this issue, thus addressing the situation of the municipality of María Pinto, located in the Metropolitan Region of Santiago, Chile. The objectives that guide this research are: characterize the existing road network, determine connectivity and intracommunal geographical accessibility and determine homogeneous areas of accessibility regarding the urban center of the commune of Maria Pinto. In the method, the Konig and Shimbel indexes are used for connectivity, the Rodeo index for accessibility and friction surfaces using a formula to calculate the areas in isochronous. In the discussion and conclusions we discuss the relevance of these concepts to the mobility of the rural population as part of development policies.Downloads
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