Explanatory factors of domestic water consumption in the Costa Blanca (2000-2014)
Supporting Agencies
- Ministerio de Educación
- Cultura y Deporte
- Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
- María Hernández Hernández
- Antonio Manuel Rico Amorós
The coastline of the province of Alicante is one of the most dynamic Spanish coastal areas in urban and tourist terms. During the last decades, urban development has led to the extension of a tourist-residential model in the coastal sector, characterized by the proliferation of secondary housing and low-density urban typologies, which has stressed the fragile provincial water balance. However, since the middle of the first decade of the 21st century, the trend in urban water consumption has been regressive. Based on the development of a database on urban water consumption in the Mediterranean coastline municipalities, this research is a first approach to the study of the explanatory factors of the domestic water consumption in the coastline of Alicante for the period 2000-2014. Based on a descriptive analysis of several urban-tourist, demographic and economic factors and their relationship with the per capita water consumption at municipal level, it is concluded that the greatest differences in domestic water consumption are explained by the urban model, presence of foreigners from the European Union and the proportion of secondary housing.Downloads
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