Local valuation of the natural heritage for tourism development in a cross-border rural territory (sierra del Larouco, Galicia-north of Portugal)


  • Elena De Uña-Álvarez "Universidad de Vigo" http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7331-5340
  • Mª del Carmen Cuquejo Bello Universidad de Vigo
  • Montserrat Villarino Pérez Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/geografia/2017/293271
Keywords: Heritage, Nature, Tourism, Mountain, Local dimension


In most both rural and mountainous spaces the touristic and recreation offer is based on the natural resources. The knowledge of the perception and prospects from the local actors regarding the values and potential of such natural heritage is crucial to promote a sustainable tourism. The Sierra del Larouco is a cross-border rural space, located between the South of Galicia (Spain) and the North of Portugal. The main objective of the research is to know the perception, ideas and prospects of the local actors with respect to the available assets and their use as resources for local development throughout tourism. In order to achieve this objective, 29 interviews have been performed starting from a questionnaire guide. The present work only contains a part of the interviews results because it is an exploratory study:it is related to the degree of interestand valuation of the availableresources expressed by key actors. Among these resources, the natural heritage have a prominent position; at the same time, the results show the potential of the “own”heritage as a set of touristic resources to improve the life conditions in the local dimension.


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Author Biography

Elena De Uña-Álvarez, "Universidad de Vigo"

Departamento de Historia, Arte y Geografía


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How to Cite
De Uña-Álvarez, E., Cuquejo Bello, M. del C., & Villarino Pérez, M. (2017). Local valuation of the natural heritage for tourism development in a cross-border rural territory (sierra del Larouco, Galicia-north of Portugal). Geography Papers, (63), 181–194. https://doi.org/10.6018/geografia/2017/293271