Technology and market type indicators for wine protected designations of origin
Both type of technology and type of market that characterizes each Wine Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) can be identified through different elements. Using as a frame of reference the theory of production worlds, the type of technology can be characterized as specialized or standardized, considering aspects related to the degree of generalization of knowledge and the level of automation. The type of market can be characterized as generic or dedicated, taking the predictability of demand, the size of the target market and the level of customization of production. In order to identify these dimensions in the wine sector has been proposed a battery of indicators and their usefulness has been analyzed to select the most suitable. The area per winery, conceived as the interaction between the average size of the vineyard and the number of wine growers per winery, offers a high potential in the definition of the type of technology axis. On the other hand, the type of market can be characterized using the average size of the wine brand, as an indicator of production segmentation.Downloads
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