Spatial differences on fertility in Spain: A provincial based analysis


  • Fernando Gil Alonso Universitat de Barcelona
  • Jordi Bayona Carrasco Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics y Universidad de Barcelona
  • Cristina López Villanueva Universitat de Barcelona
  • Isabel Pujadas Rúbies Universitat de Barcelona
Keywords: Fertility, Spatial Analysis, Urbanization, Foreign Immigration, Spain

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The main goal of this paper is to analyse present fertility intensity differences within Spanish provinces, focusing on differences between province capitals and the rest of their respective provinces, and on how these have recently changed. Despite fertility differences between provinces are widely treated in the literature, differences within them and their changes across time are far less explored. Results indicate that there are two different trends. In capitals of urban provinces –particularly in capital cities with no space to grow and, therefore, affected by significant suburbanisation flows–, fertility is lower there than in the rest of the province. However, in rural provinces, where young cohorts concentrate in their capitals, fertility is higher here than in the rest of the province.


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How to Cite
Gil Alonso, F., Bayona Carrasco, J., López Villanueva, C., & Pujadas Rúbies, I. (2017). Spatial differences on fertility in Spain: A provincial based analysis. Geography Papers, (63), 21–38.