Application of Territorii method in two spontaneous settlements of Puerto Madryn, Argentina


  • María Paula Ferrari Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco
  • Horacio Bozzano Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Buenos Aires
Keywords: unplanned settlements, Territorii method, territorial intelligence

Supporting Agencies



The aim of this work is make a socio-territorial diagnosis in two unplanned settlements in the city of Puerto Madryn: La Lomita and Alta Tension, applying the Territorii method and its eight phases -real, lived, past, legal, thought, possible, smart and arranged territories in such settlements. In order to join the communities for building more sustainable territories, it also aims to identify in the participants of the process how much are present the four modes of transformation proposed by the International Network of Territorial Intelligence: subjective, social, environmental and decision-making, as well as the "four legs of the table" of the Latin American territorial intelligence: public and community actors, entrepreneurs and scientists.


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Author Biography

María Paula Ferrari, Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco

Departamento de Geografia, Docente e Investigadora del CONICET


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How to Cite
Ferrari, M. P., & Bozzano, H. (2016). Application of Territorii method in two spontaneous settlements of Puerto Madryn, Argentina. Geography Papers, (62), 137–149.