Water resources degradation in a semiarid environment. Bustillos and los Mexicanos Lagoons (Chihuahua, México)
Supporting Agencies
- Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales
- Agrícolas y Pecuarias (México)
- Centro de Edafología y Biología Aplicada del Segura (CEBAS-CSIC)
The lagoons de Bustillos, and de los Mexicanos are located in the center of the state of Chihuahua (Mexico). These wetlands of special environmental interest are endangered by severe pressure from human activities. These wetlands of environmental relevance are endangered by severe pressure from human activities. This study has raised a series of chemical, physical and microbiological analyzes, which determine high rates of contamination in these aquatic habitats. The results showed in water low levels of dissolved oxygen and high concentrations of nitrate and coliform bacteria. Has been detected the main sources of pollution of these water resources are caused by agricultural activities, wastewater discharges from urban areas and industrial waste.
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