Crisis económica y repercusiones sociales en Iberoamérica: Metropolización e inviabilidad de políticas planificadoras


  • Aurelio Cebrián Abellán
  • A. Luis Escudero Sastre
Keywords: crisis, inflation, debt, social cost, metropolization, absence of far-sghted policies


On the one hand, the root of its crisis is structural, but on the other hand, arises from the world economic dynamics. Its condition is subordinated to foreing countries and its reflection in its policies based on nationalization is olrroies. The results are the pernicions social effects: rural exodees is very important because itºs becoming an alarming process of metropolization more acute, e. g. the regional giants moreover, that process raises sparing expectation of control.


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How to Cite
Cebrián Abellán, A., & Escudero Sastre, A. L. (1995). Crisis económica y repercusiones sociales en Iberoamérica: Metropolización e inviabilidad de políticas planificadoras. Geography Papers, (21), 59–73. Retrieved from