Evidence on biophysical vulnerability in Hurricane Patricia
Supporting Agencies
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Hurricane Patricia affected the Pacific coast of the state of Mexico in late 2015 and reached Category 5 on the Saffir-Simpson scale. This event was classified as the most intense in terms of wind gusts (> 400 km / h) and pressure ever recorded worldwide. The work of early warning, emergency management and, above all, the combination of the above with a low biophysical vulnerability of the affected area substantially reduced the potentially catastrophic effects divined the strength and intensity of these winds and rainfall that accompanied Patricia
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NOTIGUIA TV (2015): Asombra a la Nasa el comportamiento del Huracán Patricia. http://notiguia.tv/2015/10/26/asombra-a-la-nasa-el-comportamiento-del-huracan-patricia/. [Consultado en: 2015, diciembre 11].
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