Argentina´s occupational structure. What’s hiding the averages? Analysis by region and urban scale, 2010


  • Fernando Ariel Manzano Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
  • Guillermo Angel Velazquez Instituto de Geografía, Historia y Ciencias Sociales IGEHCS CONICET/UNCPBA
Keywords: Scales Urban, Participation, Labor, Sex


There are certain characteristics relevant to the occupational integration that are considered as regular behavior, but that only represent the result of the labor market information to aggregate level, i.e. arise as an average of situations very heterogeneous. In this work we will take three statements that often be wielded frequently as valid as being: greater participation in the labor market than a feminine male; existence of a positive relationship between educational level and intensity in the economic participation of the people; and low labor insertion of the groups in younger ages and younger age groups. If we consider smaller units of analysis, are beginning to gain importance the different regional characteristics that make up the Argentine territory, as well as within the same degree of urban concentration of each spatial area under analysis. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate that through the use of more disaggregated information, can be detected to the contrasting situations mentioned above, which are valid for a description to the most aggregate level.

With regard to the statistical information that will be used in this article, the occupational block for the last three national censuses of population in Argentina, brought forward in the years 1991, 2001 and 2010.


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Author Biographies

Fernando Ariel Manzano, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Doctor en Demografía. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Curso de Posgrado en Identificación, Formulación y Evaluación de Proyectos de Inversión Pública. Asociación Argentina de Evaluación. Licenciado en Sociología. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Licenciado en Economía. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Profesor de Estadística. Universidad Nacional de Moreno. Profesor de Planificación Territorial. Universidad Provincial de Ezeiza. Investigador de la Universidad Provincial de Ezeiza.

Guillermo Angel Velazquez, Instituto de Geografía, Historia y Ciencias Sociales IGEHCS CONICET/UNCPBA

Doctor en Geografía Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). Investigador Superior del CONICET. Vicedirector de la Unidad Ejecutora Instituto de Geografía, Historia y Ciencias Sociales IGEHCS CONICET/UNCPBA. Profesor Titular Ordinario (FCH/UNCPBA).


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How to Cite
Manzano, F. A., & Velazquez, G. A. (2016). Argentina´s occupational structure. What’s hiding the averages? Analysis by region and urban scale, 2010. Geography Papers, (62), 9–20.