Saline interior spaces: the saltworks of Sangonera la Seca and Sibrilla in the Region of Murcia (Southeastern Iberian Peninsula)
Supporting Agencies
- Proyecto de investigación CSO2012-39564-C07-06 sobre paisajes patrimoniales de España. La España Mediterránea y el Valle del Ebro.
Inside the Region of Murcia, using the hydrogeological conditions of certain places (outcrop of the Trias or of the Messiniense), in which coincides salt material and a small stream that runs through it, a brine (salt) environment is generated that after its ordination, allows the salt harvest. Activities related of the salt indoor spaces have played an important social-economic role at regional levels. In the second half of the twentieth century, (due to transport improvement and more competitive litoral salt harvests), the abandonment of inland salt mines as the ones of Sangonera (Murcia) and Librilla occurred. Only a few of the heritage infrastructures related to these inland salt mines such as rafts or ponds are still preserved; after his rehabilitation will be witness of the transformation from natural spaces to cultural places, with landscapes of educational, environmental, recreational, tourist attractions, etc.
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Recursos web
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El Diario de Murcia (17/05/1890). Archivo Municipal de Murcia. Pp: 1.;xslt=e;query=id:0000375115;words=nueva%20propietaria%20salinas%20sangonera;encoding=utf-8 [26-Septiembre-2015]
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