Socio-economic assessment of gas extraction by fracking in the Region of Murcia.


Keywords: fracking, shale gas, contingent valuation, Murcia.


Extraction of unconventional gas through hydraulic fracturing, the so-called “fracking”, is a highly controversial debate, considering on the one hand economic benefits and on the other hand its environmental impacts, and risks for public health. Recently, relevant Policy makers approved applications to allow the exploration of gas resources that could be extracted through fracking in the North Murcia region, likewise in other parts of Spain. Such approvals caused the formation of local groups that oppose fracking. The main objective of this investigation is to explore the knowledge, public perception and social acceptability of the citizens of the Murcia Region upon this technique for energy generation. A survey has been developed to address such research objective, undertaking also a contingent valuation on the prohibition of implementation fracking in the region. Among others, the findings show that more than 2/3 of the survey respondents are in favour of the implementation of such technique provided that the environment and public health would be effectively safeguarded. Furthermore, it is estimated that each household, on average, would be willing to pay approximately €15 per year for their energy bill in order to prohibit or postpone the exploitation of unconventional gas through fracking in the region.


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How to Cite
Martínez-Paz, J. M., Pellicer-Martínez, F., Fernández, J. R., & Lamonaca, L. (2015). Socio-economic assessment of gas extraction by fracking in the Region of Murcia. Geography Papers, (61), 122–136.